CQRobot Robot Infrared Tracking Sensor Module Comaptible with Arduino …


It¡¯s the ITR20001/T infrared tracking sensor module that is designed as the intelligent car robot accessories, compatible with Arduino UNO. It’s ideal for your DIY projects.
The infrared tracking sensor module detects with infrared light that is barely interfered by external stray light.
The tracker sensor works with the PID control algorithm, features high sensitivity, anti-interference and stable performance.
The robot infrared line tracking sensor has five analog outputs. Compared with other track sensors that can only output high and low levels, the feedback of this one is more accurate.
It can be used for smart car or robot line search, avoiding cliffs and preventing falling, etc.
Costo: 5,96 €
(costo Sep 13, 2020 12:07:13 UTCDettagli)

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